Our FEELINGS must bow to our FAITH!

Hello friends! We are continuing the topic of FLIPFLOP and discovering together what that means in our last blog we looked at how we could FLIPFLOP fear into trust.

Today, we are going to learn how our feelings are real but not always true!! Fear can affect our emotions and our responses. 

Friend, here is how can We get victory over all of our emotions:

I want to encourage all of us to STOP, DROP to our knees and ASK God for HIS POWER over our circumstances. Jesus wants us all to KNOW who we are in HIM!! The FLIPFLOP is that FEAR will have no GRIP on our lives as well as our emotions.

I love Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord, your God is with you wherever you go.” Friend, my prayer is that we experience God’s presence today. I would like to challenge all of us to start and end each day claiming this verse over our future. 
Let’s pray: Dear Jesus, We feel the trap of fear in our lives these days and we know we need Your help! Our prayer is that we find VICTORY over all of our fears as well as our emotions. We know that nothing is too hard for You! We want to break free of its bondage and experience Your PERFECT PEACE!! Amen.





Choose Trust Over Fear