Jen Barrick Jen Barrick

When I am anxious… God is my PEACE

What circumstances cause you to feel anxious? After my brain injury, I had severe anxiety; I could not walk into a room full of people without shaking. Crowds and noise were overwhelming. I couldn’t even go to church or sit in the waiting room at a doctor’s office. I had this verse written on a hot pink index card next to my bed, and I would read it every morning: Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.(Philippians 4:6-7NIV)

I challenge you to write this passage on a sticky note or index card and put it on your bathroom mirror or somewhere you will see it everyday and can claim it out loud.

Dear God,

Life has hardships and trials. I am claiming Your promise that says “Do not be anxious about anything” but pray about everything, and Your peace will guard your heart and mind. I pray Your truth would shine greater and be louder than any other voice I hear. I choose to follow You. I know with Your help, I will be an overcomer. Prince of Peace, I need You. I can’t do it alone. Please come to my rescue. I can’t wait to see how You will transform my anxiety into something beautiful.

Read more encouraging thoughts by clicking here to order to Jen’s “Beyond Priceless” Book!

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Andrew Barrick Andrew Barrick


Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.

—Jeremiah 17:14

One of my favorite quotes from my pastor, personal mentor, and giant of the faith is: “Stop telling God how big your problems are, and start telling your problems how big your God is!” (Dr. Jerry Falwell).

Another game-changing adjustment we made in the midst of our brokenness was to stop begging God for healing and start praising Him for who He was. We learned this from our daughter. Jen’s mind and body were so broken that her spirit became the strongest, loudest part of her. We noticed that when she prayed, she never asked God for anything. She never once begged Him to heal her or relieve her; she only praised Him for all of His attributes and thanked Him in advance for all the things He could do.

One time while she could barely hold her head up in a wheelchair, Jen prayed, “Thank you, Lord for healing me and raising me up. I praise You, my Rock and my Healer, because nothing is impossible for You!”

I remember thinking, “Jen, you can’t even sit up on your own. Why are you praising God for raising you up?”

It soon became obvious to us that her prayers were quite different from our prayers. She focused on praise while we focused on pleading. The more we begged God, the more me concentrated on what we didn’t have. But Jen praised God instead, concentrating on what she did have. I don’t think there is anything wrong with begging. God’s Word invites us to ask boldly for things. But I have discovered supernatural peace and confidence by exchanging begging for praising. It’s a minor adjustment that breeds huge dividends of hope and contentment, rather than loss or disappointment.

Jeremiah 17:14 says, “Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed…for you are the one I praise.” It doesn’t say, “You are the one I beg, or ask, or plead.” It says praise.

Jen has this promise written on a sticky note next to her bed. She quotes it out loud every day and believes that God will continue to heal her brain and her memory by faith.

Praise means to “express admiration for someone.” As men, sometimes we get a little uncomfortable with praise. We think it involves tears and arms waving in the air and Kumbaya-type songs. It can involve those things, but it can also be done in a deer stand, on a boat, while your out running, or while you’re driving in the car with the windows down. It can be private or public. It can be quite or loud. Whatever works for you. You don’t have to praise the way other people praise. It’s your own expression of the qualities you appreciate and admire about God. The important thing is that you shift your focus and attention from you and your finite problems to God and His infinite majesty.

It’s amazing what adjusting from the temporary to the timeless can do for your mind, body, and soul. Doctors tell us all the time that there is no way Jen should still be healing the way she is. We were told by many specialists that after two years her progress would be stagnant. I have to ask them to please never tell her that because that is not what she believes. She doesn’t talk about her problems. She only talks about her Healer. And guess what? He keeps healing her more every day!

Stop talking about your problems. Start talking about your God. Praise Him, and see if that makes a difference for you today.


Who could you talk to about how great your God is today? Maybe you have a neighbor, co-worker, or friend at the gym.

If you can’t think of anyone, try talking to God about how great He is. Write a letter to God. Build something for Him. Create something for Him. Do whatever it takes to get your mind off your problems and into His presence.

Click here to buy Andy’s Book “Unbreakable”!

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Jen Barrick Jen Barrick

SINGING helps me feel close to God

Singing works two ways. It can be an overflow of your inner spirit. When you are full of love and joy, you just can’t help but explode in song. Or singing can be something you choose to do when you feel down or afraid. A praise song can change your mood. It can pump you up and make you courageous! Either way, God wants you to sing! 




Here is a prayer you can pray. =

 Almighty Creator, 

 When I sing, my troubles fade away. When I sing, my soul and body get so in tune with You, I feel Your presence. It’s almost like You are reaching down from heaven and giving me a great big hug. Give me a song today that is full of You, Lord. I want to be where You are! I want to tell the world how great You are! 


* From Jen’s book  “Priceless: Who God Is When I Feel…”

Click HERE To Order Priceless Today!

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Jen Barrick Jen Barrick

When I Am Alone, I Can Talk to God!

Dear Daddy, 


It is so reassuring to know that I am never alone because You are my escort! Thank you for being by my side and holding my hand every step of the way! Even when I feel like no one understands me, You know my every thought and the deepest desires of my soul. You will never leave me nor forsake me. Thank you for speaking to my heart that You are Emmanuel, “God with us.” Amen. 

 Following after You…


 Matthew 1:23 (KJV)

“Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.” 


Joshua 1:5

“… I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.”


Psalm 73:23-24

“Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory.”


This is a prayer from Jen Barrick’s “Prayers of Hope” book. You can order a copy by clicking here!

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Jen Barrick Jen Barrick

When I Need to Change My Perspective, I can Ask for Help!

Dear Dream-Giver,


I am excited to be a part of Your bigger plan. I want to be a vessel that You can speak through! As I go through my day, I am asking for Your perspective. Lord, please give me Your “spiritual eyes.” I want to have Your vision and scope… to see the world through Your eyes. Give me a greater burden for those who are lost. Lord, I want to view people the way You view me… with grace, mercy, and unconditional love. 


Together, we can make a difference for eternity! Amen.

 I can’t wait! 


2 Corinthians 4:18

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”


2 Corinthians 5:7

“For we live by faith, not by sight.”

Isaiah 55:9

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

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Andrew Barrick Andrew Barrick


I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. 

—Psalm 27:13


Psalm 27:13 is a game-changer. As much as I love to dwell on heaven, I think it’s wise to balance our hopes of someday with our hopes for the here and now. As a Christian in the midst of suffering, it can be tempting to fall into the depressing mindset that life on this side of heaven will never be free of pain. It’s a doom and gloom mindset that reasons how I just sort of have to grin and bear it because nothing is going to ever be good until I step into eternity. Funny thing is, God didn’t choose to rescue us by taking us all there; He chose to rescue us by sending His Son here to this earth. That tells me that He has something good for me here. Otherwise, why would He leave me here? 


I remember my wife saying that it would have been easier if we all had just died together in the car wreck and gone to heaven. She’s right. It would have been easier, but we would have missed the sweetness of experiencing the goodness of God in the land of the living. The friends who got on their hands and knees and cleaned our floors when we couldn’t, the Word of God penetrating our hearts at just the right moments, the medical miracles, the gifts on our doorstep, the joy our kids radiated on the darkest of days. Don’t get me wrong … heaven is our greatest hope, but to see the tangible goodness of the Lord here and now is a powerful thing. And, it’s not just a possibility — it’s a promise!  I WILL see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.


So, hang on! Don’t give up! You may be broken, your life might be falling apart, but there are good days coming. That’s a promise! In fact, I can tell you from experience that the worse your bad days are, the sweeter your good days will be. The less you are used to everything being good,the more you will appreciate it. 


God never stops being good. Sometimes He just creates an empty space for His goodness to flood into. You don’t have to search far or worry about missing it because the Creator who designed your every desire knows how to do something good for you—something only you will know He planned especially for you.


Click Here To Buy Andy’s Book “Unbreakable” !


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Josh Barrick Josh Barrick

Enough Money?

It is common to think that if we have enough money, we are safe and sound. Proverbs 18:11 says, “The wealth of the rich is their fortified city; they imagine it a wall too high to scale.” Sadly, a lot of people have discovered that those walls can come crashing down in an instant.

Wealth is no guarantee. But there is one thing that will ensure our safety in the years to come: “The name of the LORD is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” - Proverbs 18:10


What things in life make you feel secure?


“Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me.” -Psalm 31:2


Dear God, I long to feel secure. Help me find my security in You and You alone. You are my strong tower.

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Linda Barrick Linda Barrick

Stop The Bad Stuff

Wouldn’t it be nice if God would just stop anything bad from happening to us?

The name Jesus means, “God is our deliverer, our salvation.” God doesn’t always prevent bad things in our lives. But when we encounter difficult times and walk through dark valleys, He promises to rescue us out of our trouble.

“He will deliver the needy when He cries.” - Psalm 72:12


What dark valley’s are you walking through right now?


“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.” -Psalm 34:7


Dear Jesus, it’s so easy to feel stuck in a tough situation, loneliness, or sin. I claim out loud that You are my deliverer. Lord, may I see Your faithfulness at work through this trial. Thank You that there is hope in Jesus Christ.

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Andrew Barrick Andrew Barrick

Prayers Transcend Time

Most of the time we pray about the things we need right now. After all, Jesus instructed us to pray for our daily bread.

But we pray to a God who is sovereign over time and space. And because of that, our prayers transcend time, impacting people and events far into the future.

In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed “for those who will believe in me through [the disciples’] message” (John 17:20). He was praying for you and me!


Who can you pray for now who may not yet exist?


“But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children—with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts.” - Psalm 103:17-18


God, I pray for the future generations. I pray for our sons, daughters, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Give them strength to overcome the world. May they hear Your Word, and then obey and believe.

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Jen Barrick Jen Barrick

Jesus is my best friend

James 2:23
And the scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness,” and he was called God’s friend.

John 15:15
I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

Proverbs 18:24
One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Dear Faithful One,
Thank You for being my best friend. It makes me happy to say those words because You are the only One whowill never disappoint me. You are my everlasting friend! Father, I can put my hope and trust completely in You. I don’t have to be scared or ashamed to tell You my deepest desires, my failures, and my dreams. I love that we are a team. Thank You for being my biggest cheerleader. I praise You for being my constant companion. I can be real with You because You already know my thoughts and love me anyway. Help me remember that I can talk to You anytime... anyplace.
Thank You for always listening!

Love Jen.

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Linda Barrick Linda Barrick

The Blind Beggar

I love the story in the Bible about the blind beggar. He knew that Jesus had the power to heal him, so when he heard Jesus was coming the blind man shouted out loud, “Jesus have mercy on me!”

The crowd tried to make him stop, but the blind man shouted even louder. Not only did Jesus stop and restore the blind man’s sight, He commended him for his faith. The blind man was strengthened physically and spiritually because He believed.


Do you have faith that Jesus can heal you?


Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed...for you are the one I praise.” - Jeremiah 17:14


Lord Jesus, give me faith like this blind man. I know that You can do all things. Give me courage to hope out loud knowing You can meet my every need.

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Jen Barrick Jen Barrick

Do you need God to carry you?

I want to pray this over you today!

Dear Comforter,
When I woke up today, I felt like I couldn’t take another step. Thank you for whispering to me... “I have made you and I will sustain you; I will CARRY you and I will rescue you.” Lord, I love the poem about the footprints in the sand. When there was only one set of footprints during the hard times, those were Your footprints because You were carrying me. Thank you for knowing when I can’t take another step on my own. Amen.

You always catch me when I fall!

Love Jen.

Click here to get your “Prayers of Hope” today.

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Josh Barrick Josh Barrick

Demolish Lies

Sometimes we get so entangled in the lies we believe that we forget one very important truth—the same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us! If that power can bring dead things back to life, it can certainly give us victory over anything and everything the enemy tries to use to stop us. The power to demolish lies lives in us! Our secret weapon is the Holy Spirit.

Click here to read more in our Leverage Your Life Book.

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Jen Barrick Jen Barrick

When you are in pain…

“When I’m in pain- I remember how Christ suffered for us on Calvary. He paid for every sin on the cross. God shows me grace every day.”

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Jen Barrick Jen Barrick


As I was taking time to reflect on God’s Glory I know God REVEALED something AMAZING to me and I just have to share. Friend, God is so much BIGGER and His ways are PERFECT! The Truth that I just learned is found in Psalms 72:19:

“And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen.

I am realizing that God wants to FILL ME with HIS GLORY! GOD’S GLORY is a FREE UNLIMITED GIFT FOR JEN__________(INSERT YOUR NAME).

I hope and pray that this gives you a NEW PERSPECTIVE as you face your day and in a sense life.   : )

On closing, let’s pray,

Dear God, Thank you for CARING about me(Say your name) and for wanting to BLESS my life each day. I love the promise found in Psalms 72:19 and I want to be filled with Your Glory!   Amen

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Josh Barrick Josh Barrick

Do You Need Joy?

Here is a prayer from Jen if you need joy today!

Dear Lord,
As I am sitting here, the sun is so beautiful. I love how it warms my soul and fills me up with You. Also, the birds... WOW... they are always praising You and happy as ever! Lord, help me have that kind of happiness and praise You no matter what the circumstance. Please Lord, fill me up today with everything that You are. Draw me close to You and never let me go. Thank You for the joy You have been giving me --it is so overwhelming! Amen.

Your faithful servant!

For more prayers click here to get Jen’s “Prayers of Hope” book today!

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Josh Barrick Josh Barrick


Did you know that once you are a Christian that Jesus is your ESCORT as well as GUIDE?! 

This is one of my FAVORITES! Let’s see together what the Bible has to say.

Psalms 73: 23-24

“Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my right hand.  Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.”

Precious friend, be ENCOURAGED by this TRUTH! (This is Great verse with big Promises. I encourage you to read this scripture a couple times to let it really sink in. <3  :)

I can’t wait! Let’s pray,

Dear Heavenly Father, I am so THANKFUL for what I learned today from the Promise found in Psalms 73:23-24. I means so much to me to know that You are my Guide and thank You, Jesus for being my Escort each and every day.  I love how this scripture ends with the SECURE TRUTH of how you will then take me to be with You in Glory! WOW!! Amen! 

P.S. - I almost forgot, I LOVE YOU!!  <3 

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Josh Barrick Josh Barrick

Witnessing God’s Glory

Psalms 73:27-28

“For, lo, they that are far from thee shall perish: thou hast destroyed all them that go a whoring from thee. But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all thy works.”

Be ENCOURAGED as we rest in the SECURITY of this scripture! WOW!! Friend, when we take time to seek God and to draw close to Jesus we will witness the works of the Lord! I want to encourage you this day to not give up! Jesus, OUR PROVIDER, is always there! I know that together we can put all of our TRUST IN HIM! 

Let’s pray,

Dear Jesus, I am seeking You this day and I want to put ALL my TRUST in You. I can’t wait to witness Your Glory and see all that You have in store. Please fill me with Your STRENGTH and PEACE for the journey! Amen <3

*Way-Maker, Miracle Worker, Promise Keeper

That is who you are.= JESUS! 

(Friend, pease quote/sing this Truth as many times as you need to feel God’s Presence.)

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Jen Barrick Jen Barrick


Chosen by God= His People!

Friend, this statement is so CAPTIVATING! (Please read it a couple of times to really let it sink in.) I love the promise found in Psalms 33:12,

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.”

God SEES YOU! Even more than that GOD CHOSE YOU! (Just writing that Truth makes my heart DANCE WITH EXCITEMENT!)

Precious Friend, I want to encourage you not to feel anxious or scared. For you are fearfully and wonderfully made. God chose you (Insert your name)______ for such a time as this!  : )

Let’s pray,

Dear Heavenly Father, It is such a privilege to come into Your Presence and to embrace the fact that I have been CHOSEN BY YOU! WOW, I feel to LUCKY! THE KING CHOSE ME!  Serving You today with all my heart!  Amen <3

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Jen Barrick Jen Barrick

The posture of surrender!

The posture of surrender🙌

Hi friends💞 Today we are going to talk about Surrender and Trust(In ALL areas of our lives)I know these are big words/topics but together we will learn more and embrace together what God has revealed to me😄

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Friends, when we surrender, we are LETTING GO🙌 So that we are FREE to trust in Gods bigger plan for our lives🙌 This happens when our flesh realizes we need God and we cannot do this SURRENDERED LIFE without him🙌

Just like Abraham did when he surrendered four times in the Bible🙌

1) His earthly inheritance

2) His right to choose his own way

3) His worldly opportunities and advantages(the chance to increase himself at the cost of others)

4) His will-like Christ, he prayed“ not my will but thine be done.”

Ok friends, what if we prayed this scripture every day over our lives. I believe it will lead us down a path of surrender just like it did in Abraham’s life🙌

Let’s Pray🙏🏻

Dear Lord Jesus, I just wanted to take the time to thank You for this word, surrender! It’s a hard word, but I am thankful that You have revealed to me the need to be surrendered to You in every aspect of my life! For I know surrender=freedom and I want that freedom in my life this day. Thank you that I am free in your arms. I fully trust you!❤️ Amen🙌

Hi friends! Today we are going to talk about Surrender and Trust (In ALL areas of our lives) I know these are big words/topics but together we will learn more and embrace together what God has revealed to me

Proverbs 3:5-6
”Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Friends, when we surrender, we are LETTING GO So that we are FREE to trust in Gods bigger plan for our lives This happens when our flesh realizes we need God and we cannot do this SURRENDERED LIFE without him.

Let’s Pray,

Dear Lord Jesus, I just wanted to take the time to thank You for this word, surrender! It’s a hard word, but I am thankful that You have revealed to me the need to be surrendered to You in every aspect of my life! For I know surrender=freedom and I want that freedom in my life this day. Thank you that I am free in your arms.  I fully trust you!


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